If you are not sure if it is compatible with your car, please send me. We are always here and take care of our customers all the time.
We will not dissapear just like that and you will always have your questions answered and issues taken care of. We simply take care of our customers and keep our promises to customers! It is how we do and what we are.Honesty is our top priority. Which help us have happy returning customers and their friends. We will respond to Your messages as quickly as possible, usually within 24-48 hours. We do not work on weekends and national festival days, but trying to be online and answer your questions if we can.
Please be a little patient these days. If Your message is not answered very quickly, this means that we are busy with processing the orders or answering prior messages, or have the internet connection or some other troubles. So they will be delivered in 100% exact condition as described and in 100% working order. When purchasing the item please check the compatibility list and the photos we provide in the advertisement. If you have any questions regarding compatibility, not to hesitate to ask us! We will check (if needed ask you for additional information) and confirm about the compatibility. We strongly advise to check the compatibility before ordering, because if you will order the item against our provided compatibility list (assuming or guessing that it should fit), we will not be able to accept a return for free.